If you are the role of Supervisor or higher in Waterly, you can add or remove fields or sections on your reports yourself.  Simply follow these steps:

First, click on Reporting in the left Navigation Bar.

Then click the Setup button on the report you want to change.

Scroll down to the Process you want to change.  You might have to turn ON the process first (#2 option 1), but if it's already "on," you can simply toggle on or off the fields below it.  Note when you turn "on" the process, it will default to have all of the fields on.  Most operators don't need to see the raw meter reads and just want usage, total flow, or runtime...so it's probably ok to turn the raw readings off.

Any metric or process settings are saved automatically.  SImpley click the Reporting item in the Navigation bar to return to reporting and try out your new report.