Using your smartphone for entering data into Waterly is possible and many of our customers prefer the convenience of a smartphone for data entry instead of the larger tablet screen, mostly because you can keep the phone in your pocket!
Waterly works with Android or Apple (iOS) devices just fine. On those devices, we support pretty much any web browser you'd want to use including Chrome, Safari, or the Microsoft Edge browser.
A few suggestions for using the phone for data entry:
- To log in, just go to any browser and type in Waterly. Select our site and the login button.
- Once you're logged in, consider creating a desktop (home screen) shortcut for your favorite site(s) by tapping the send button on your phone and creating a shortcut on your home screen or adding it to favorites.
- When using the phone in PORTRAIT (up and down) mode, the menu will hide automatically. If you want to see it to navigate to a different site or system, you'll need to tap the three horizontal lines (the "hamburger menu") and the nav bar will pop out on the left for you. From there you can see the menu and select either a system from the dropdown or a site from the list.
- Or...use the phone in LANDSCAPE (wide) mode and not in portrait (tall) mode. It's much easier to see the whole screen and navigation bar if you like, but you'll be scrolling a lot more.
- Remember you don't have a mouse scroll wheel on the phone, but you can still scroll up and down with both the sites navigation, as well as the main data entry screen.
- Remember to either hit Save or wait 30 seconds for your data to be saved. The "Saved" box in the upper right means that your data is safe and sound in Waterly's servers!