We are often asked if there is a way to add a digital signature to your Waterly report. While there is no way WITHIN Waterly to do this, there we have documented two VERY SIMPLE ways to do it outside of Waterly once you have generated your PDF report from the software. This article will walk you through the two methods:
Use a FREE, Online PDF Editor
You can use a nice FREE online PDF editor that doesn't even force you to create an account. Follow these steps:
- Download your Waterly report (the default location is fine)
- Navigate to this link: https://smallpdf.com/edit-pdf
- Click Choose File from the middle of the screen and select your Waterly report:
- Once it is open, click the icon of the picture in the upper left:
- Select the file that has your digital signature in it, place it, and scale it onto the proper spot on the Waterly form:
- Click the Download button and download and save your updated, digitally signed PDF:
Use Adobe Acrobat DC/Pro, as your PDF Editor
You will need to purchase or license a copy of Adobe Acrobat.
- Open your Waterly report in Adobe Acrobat
- Click the Tools button
- Click the Edit PDF button
- Click Add Image. Place and scale your signature.
- Save the file with your signature in it.