Here at Waterly, we're very excited to announce the upcoming Release of Waterly 1.5.  We've made a wide range of improvements both behind the scenes to support the future growth of the product, and in the user experience to make it faster and easier to use than ever.  Read on for some highlights of improvements you'll see in the upcoming release:

Data Entry

Simplified Data Entry

We've grouped metrics more cleanly by their corresponding components and moved the units inside the input boxes to make things as simple to understand and easy to use as possible.  Small change though in that you'll have to tap on the date (not the calendar icon) to see previous dates.

Cleaner Out of Range Entries

Waterly has always been able to warn you when a value is out of range but we've worked to better show the expected value ranges when the input doesn't match those expectations without hovering over a flag. Supervisors can now adjust what the normal ranges are too. (see below!)

Improved Mobile Friendliness

We've listened and made Waterly more friendly to use on mobile devices like small tablets and mobile phones. When using a smaller device, the side menu now automatically collapses out of your way, and the data entry fields resize neatly to fit. Navigation is a tap away by tapping the three lines in the top left of the screen. We also made it easier to type in decimals and set the time on your phone in portrait mode as well as squishing a handful of other mobile bugs.

Site Editing

Waterly now makes basic editing of site features, such as metrics, available to Supervisors.  We have an initial set of options available now, with more to come in the future!  Here are some specific you can get at after a user with Supervisor access clicks the three dots in the upper RIGHT and clicks Edit Site.    

Changing Order of Process, Components, and Metrics

Supervisors can adjust the order of items within the site to more closely match your utility's workflow. Just click the up or down arrows next to a process, component (equipment), or metric.

Editing Metric Details

Supervisors can edit a metric's name, decimal places, and range min/max values.  Just click the pencil icon next to each metric (while in edit mode) to show an edit screen like below.  At this point, you won't be able to edit all the fields there, but you will be able to for many (more to come in the future).

Improved Dashboard

The newly improved dashboard allows everyone (read-only, operators, and supervisors) to plot a chart of any data in your system to see historical trends over time and compare with other metrics side-by-side.  This area of the app will also continue to be built out for you in 2022, making analysis easier, quicker, and more helpful.

Reporting Improvements

The Monthly Bacterial alert has been removed.  We found that less than 2% of our customers used it, and it was not flexible enough to be very valuable. If you are still using and setting Bacterial Dates in your data entry screens, we are asking that you indicate bacterial sent date in a comment on that day.  Historical reports will still show you the dates you set on previous reports.

Delete Reports

Supervisors can now delete reports right from the application, without the need for support tickets.  Even if a report is deleted, the underlying data is always safe (we don't allow you to delete historical data).  You will receive a warning before the report is deleted:

Improved Report Configuration

We've improved the interface for selecting the Processes and Metrics to be included in a report to make it easier and more understandable.

Thank you

We will use this space to update notes on the software if needed.

Thank you to all of our faithful water and wastewater stewards for sticking with us.  We hope you enjoy the new features, but as always, we welcome your suggestions, comments, and complaints.  Waterly is a crowd-sourced app, meaning that we get our good ideas from you (our crowd) and build them to suit you, so please keep them coming by support ticket, phone call, email, or carrier pigeon.