Waterly 1.5.1 intentionally does not introduce any new features, but does address a few problems that we saw during our 1.5 release yesterday.  A brief summary of the issues addressed follows:


The Save Button That Just Wouldn't Go Home

We had an issue that specifically impacted sites with calculated fields.  The upshot was that after your data was safely stored away in Waterly, the Save button stuck around without invitation, making things a little... uncomfortable.  That problem has been solved.

WaterlyConnect That Didn't Want To... Connect

Our monitoring turned up a problem with sites that automatically submit data from SCADA and other devices via our WaterlyConnect feature.  While we do have a safe record of all of the data that was submitted, the data did not get injected properly into the Waterly application to make it actually useful.  We've tracked that one down and resolved it, future submissions should work as expected.

Overprivileged Operators

Waterly 1.5 introduced features to allow Supervisors to edit their sites, including renaming and re-ordering metrics, processes, components, etc..  The feature was intended to be for Supervisors only, but ended up visible to those with the Operator role as well.  That has been buttoned up to match expectations.

Improving Future Upgrades

The most prevalent issue we saw was with browser caching issues.  “Page not Found” was not the result we wanted when you log in, and because of the caching issues, it is, unfortunately, where many of you landed.  Thank you for your patience with this problem.  This release sets up groundwork to avoid that kind of problem completely in the future.  It is possible to see somewhat related issues just one more time with this one, but subsequently, those should go the way of wooden water mains.

Speeding up Really Big Sites

Some of our customers have some sites with a very large number of inputs, and we experienced some performance issues on those kind of sites (sorry Georgia and Pennsylvania).  This update introduces a few tweaks that make those load and perform significantly faster.

Thank you

We will use this space to update notes on the software if needed.

Thank you to all of our faithful water and wastewater stewards for sticking with us.  We hope you enjoy the new features, but as always, we welcome your suggestions, comments, and complaints.  Waterly is a crowd-sourced app, meaning that we get our good ideas from you (our crowd) and build them to suit you, so please keep them coming by support ticket, phone call, email, or carrier pigeon.