
Moving Support

Don't worry! We're not actually moving the support team, just the way that you access it from the app.  To better accommodate some future Waterly features, we've simply moved it from the bottom right, to a button in the lower left corner:

Site Types

Starting now, you can start to identify different types of sites in Waterly.  This is accessible from the "Edit Site" mode that supervisors can use already.  This is largely in preparation for some future Waterly features, but we wanted to let you know just in case you like to get a jump on things.

Better System Navigation

If you're part of an organization with a large number of systems in Waterly, the System navigation widget definitely was becoming unwieldy.  We've made some improvements to allow "fuzzy" search, and made it much faster too!  You can type any part of the system name in the new widget, and it will help you find your system really fast.


Additionally, there are a large set of miscellaneous bugs and tweaks that you may notice around the system, including performance improvements for really large sites, and correcting some errors that might occur when you are signing up for Waterly for the first time.

Thank you

We will use this space to update notes on the software if needed.

As always, we are grateful for all of our water and wastewater superheroes that we get to work with every day.  We hope you enjoy the new features, but as always, we welcome your suggestions, comments, and complaints.  The future of Waterly is driven by your input, so please keep the feedback coming by support ticket, phone call, email, or carrier pigeon.