
Let's Keep it Clean, OK?

We've done a little cleanup in the Reporting section of the app.  You may have noticed for reports with longer names, things were getting a little cozy because of all of the buttons on the right -- most of which you probably don't use very often.  We've made those icons more consistent with the rest of the app, and moved the less commonly used options inside the "Edit" mode of the Report (just click the pencil!)



Bug Squashing

As usual, this release contains a number of bug fixes.  The most notable:

  • Sneakily related to reporting... Previously, if you made some changes to your report setup and then closed your browser or navigated away, you ran the risk of losing your changes.  Now we'll present you with a friendly message if you're about to lose changes, prompting you to save your updates.

  • The date picker on the Dashboard trends screen would sometimes get squished on mobile devices or if your window was somewhat narrow.  We've updated the layout to behave better in those scenarios.