Ever need to know how much Chlorine your facility used last year?

What was your average dosage for the year? 

How much total raw or finished flow did we have?

Here is a hot tip how Waterly have a way to get a year's min/max/average and total at the System level.  Note that this is not a "report," per se, but fills the need of annual reporting for many needs.

How to get Yearly Metric Data to Show or Report

  1. Click - the Dashboard menu item on the left navigation bar.
  2. Scroll down and select Jan 1st - Dec 31th for the Historical Metrics chart.
  3. Use the metrics selector to plot the Metrics (from one or MORE sites) you'd like to capture and voila!
  4. Below the chart you'll find the year's min/max/avg and totals for those metrics.
  5. Click the Save Trend button if you want to run this view for a different date range.

These values can then be copied from Waterly into Excel or similar.  Or you can right-click the chart, and Copy it to paste it in another document to communicate to others.

In the future Waterly would love to build more tooling for exporting yearly data to excel or build it into reporting. If this is something you'd be interested in, let us know by reaching out and by hitting the like button on this article.