
Waterly's reports are automatically formatted for you.  We think this (used to be) a bit of a hassle each month for operators that would rather be maintaining something else other than your margins and column widths.  So, we work hard to squish all of those processes, components, and metrics into whatever size report (letter, legal, or tabloid) that you configure.  The software 

Report Formatting Tips

While we think there is a HUGE upside to things being simple, we realize the simplicity comes at the cost of flexibility, so here are a few tips to help you make improvements in your report layouts that you might not know:

  1. Use Short Metric Names - These are the longest part of the report headers, and while we do automatically wrap the names, by making them shorter, you will find that you can fit more in a page. 
  2. Consider abbreviations.  Here are our favorites that are pretty universal in water:
    1. Use Tot. for Total
    2. Use Calc'd for Calculated
    3. Use Amt. for Amount
    4. Use Conc. for Concentration
    5. Use Sys. for System
  3. Use 11x17 (Tabloid) for a Report Size - You can always "print to fit" if you don't have the bigger printer.  That larger size paper will allow you to fit more columns on.  Most people just need the PDF now, so the larger size is ideal.
  4. Consider showing less columns - Most regulators don't need to see the tank levels, meter totalizers, or interim units in your reports.  Yeah, yeah....we've heard countless operators tell us..."but you don't know our inspector." Our experience with talking with the regulatory community has usually been that the inspectors are kinder and gentler than many of you would like us to believe.  They were totally fine with just seeing daily usage.  Your state might vary though - so please check with them first before you make a change.