
Time Series, Intervals and Shifts, Oh My!

Lately, the Waterly engineering team has been spending quite a bit of... time... working on some things behind the scenes that will start to become more apparent to our wonderful users in the coming weeks and months.  One of those exciting things is building out the infrastructure and tools necessary to support time-series data capture.  If you have metrics that are necessary or useful to capture more than once per day, say, once per shift or every hour, we now have the capability to do that, and to report on it.  In addition to our normal monthly reports, you'll be able to generate daily reports as well.  Please contact the Waterly support team for more information if this might apply to you.

Who's Really in Charge Here?

Also in the "Coming Soon" category, the Waterly team has been working on some more flexible ways for you to identity your responsible or supervising operators for use in reports.  You'll be able to specify an individual at the System level, or override the operator (and their respective contact info and license numbers) on a site-by-site basis.

Thank You

We will use this space to update notes on the software if needed.

As always, we are grateful for all of our water and wastewater superheroes that we get to work with every day.  We hope you enjoy the new features, but as always, we welcome your suggestions, comments, and complaints.  The future of Waterly is driven by your input, so please keep the feedback coming by support ticket, phone call, email, or carrier pigeon.