Waterly was built "by water operators, for water operators" and one of the very common usages for our app is to do meter readings well. For all meters with a mechanical register, they roll over after reaching a series of all nines. For many newer digital meters, they have a similar rollover register feature. Whatever your meter, Waterly allows meters to roll over and will correctly calculate the usage from when the meter rolled over. can simply overwrite the calculated value on the day it rolls over and the next day will work just fine again. You do this by just putting your cursor in the calculated field and you can type over the calculation (we'll audit you overwriting the value just to be sure people know why the data was overwritten, of course).
You must be logged in with Supervisor or higher permissions to set up the meter to roll over automatically. Operator and Read Only roles cannot edit metric settings.
Setting a Metric to be a Rollover Metric and to Roll Over
As a Supervisor or higher. Follow these steps:
- Click the Three Vertical Dots in the upper right of the screen, then click Edit Site (you have to be logged in with supervisor privileges to do this).
- Scroll to the meter reading in question, then click the Pencil icon.
- In the Metric Editor, make sure the "Is a Rollover Meter" box is checked and enter what the "rollover amount" would be. For example, if your meter can show you 999,999,999 gallons, you would enter 1,000,000,000 for the Max Meter Read Out.
- Once you then Click Save and Exit Edit Mode, you can enter the rolled over meter value. The app will recalculate the usage for the day! If you've already entered a rolled over meter reading, just change the reading to something else, hit save, then change it to the correct reading and the app will recalculate usage.
Next time the meter rolls over, the app will know what its rollover amount is and correctly calculate the daily usage. Don't forget to set all of your meters up correctly to roll over to avoid inaccurate daily totals.