
Home, Home on the (Date) Range

Lately, the Waterly team has been working on improving how you select dates within the application.  Today you'll be able to find an improved "Date Range" selector, most immediately visible on your system's dashboard.  It comes with a set of helpful quick selection options, and is generally easier to use:

Known Issue

We generally will never release software with known problems, but we did notice one issue late in our testing cycle this week.  We  considered it to be relatively minor and didn't want to hold up getting the latest features to you for this one.  

Basically, it's a matter of style.  If your sites have SCADA connectivity, you'll be familiar with the gray waterdrop for inputs that are SCADA-connected.  Unfortunately, those waterdrops are a darker shade of gray... effectively black.  We're working on a fix to restore the previous look for these icons and should have this resolved within the next day or two.

Thank You

We will use this space to update notes on the software if needed.

As always, we are grateful for all of our water and wastewater superheroes that we get to work with every day.  We hope you enjoy the new features, but as always, we welcome your suggestions, comments, and complaints.  The future of Waterly is driven by your input, so please keep the feedback coming by support ticket, phone call, email, or carrier pigeon.