
Reports are a key element of Waterly. A feature to add customized details to monthly reports has been added in a custom footer option.

This will provide the ability to add State specific information to your reports, i.e. type and % of chlorine or fluoride, quarterly test results, or any other required text your regulatory agency has requested. 


You must be logged in with Supervisor or higher permissions for this feature to work correctly.  Operator and Read Only roles cannot edit report settings

Enabling and Editing the Custom Footer

Navigate to the "Reporting" menu in your Waterly site. Select the report you'd like to add a custom footer to. Click on the "pencil" editing icon, as shown below. 


There are three footer options available:

No Footer - Displays no footers.

Show Regulatory - Displays the Regulatory Footer with regulatory certification language and the "reported by" signature line.

Show Regulatory and Custom Footer - Displays the Custom Footer and the Regulatory Footer.


  • The custom footer is report specific (you can have different footers for different reports for the same site). The custom footer option must be enabled and the text entered on each report where the custom footer is desired. 
  • Each report can contain unique custom footer text. The information entered will continue to display on the particular report every month and can be edited at any time but only one customer footer is available for a report).
  • The custom footer text will display on the bottom of the report every time it's printed until it's toggled off.

Selecting Show Regulatory and Custom Footer a new text box will show. Enter your desired reporting text and click Save.

To edit the text, click in the text box and make your edits and Save


  • We only support plain text
  • You can have multiple lines in the footer by pressing the enter key to start a new line.

Done! How awesome is that!