
Last week was the Waterly team's annual all-company meeting and planning session.  While we had an extremely productive time working on how we will continue to work to make Waterly better than ever in 2024 and beyond, it unfortunately did not lend itself to large amounts of new features :).

As we did experience some intermittent instability over the past couple weeks, we were able to push out a few behind-the-scenes updates and optimizations this week that should continue to make Waterly even better.

Stay tuned for next week for our our more usual pace of updates!

Thank You

We will use this space to update notes on the software if needed.

As always, we are grateful for all of our water and wastewater superheroes that we get to work with every day.  We hope you enjoy the new features, but as always, we welcome your suggestions, comments, and complaints.  The future of Waterly is driven by your input, so please keep the feedback coming by support ticket, phone call, email, or carrier pigeon.